Sep 22, 2007

It's been a minute since...

... I've done this before, then I realized that's it should never be about me losing my mojo, but rather how to fight to keep the momentum going. Friends have the funniest ways of showing you that. So, how about a little friendly competition to keep the motivation?

Sep 5, 2007

Star Wars Pod Racer Batwing Thing-a-ma-jigy

Done a while back using Maya, cool exercise making a model Star Wars pod racer with dark, Batman-like colors. Sort of a pod racer meets the Batwing.
Enjoy fo realz!

Jul 17, 2007

Mock up: Fernandez Five 1 of 5

My boy Allah Vurgah, one of the baddest and shortest of the Fernandez Five, a new group of Mexican (mixed with some other nationalities) heroes sought out to figth, well, none other than Mexican warewolfs, chupacabras, vampires, and the rest of the supernatural bad asses out there.

Jul 16, 2007

3 yr. wedding anniversary

Dedicated to the love of my life, the rock that keeps me strong and motivated. The reason why I started this to begin with and keeps me going. Thank you love for all the support and help.

Jul 4, 2007

Work: illustrator position test 01

Piece I did for work, never published, though made as a way for the staff to see my illustrator talent.

Jul 2, 2007

Aztec Samurai

My friend Lisa and I thought up of this character as I was sitting at work commenting on how interesting the Mexican and Japanese ancestries are (being that she's half Mex and half Japanese). So I came up with this idea of an Aztec/Samurai princess warrior type. More to come as I develop this character, set clothing styles and props (Click on image for more detailed view). Enjoy fo realz!

Jun 13, 2007

Just couldn't resist

I just had to break the luchadores postings to plug this in. First time using Alias Sketchbook Pro 2 and I must say that I'm very happy with it and it's extremely easy to use. This is my own rendition of Afro Samurai, hooked on this series right now, it's a must watch.
Enjoy fo realz!

Jun 8, 2007

Life Drawing Piece 12

Another favorite of mine, quick 2 minute pose, black charcoal.
Enjoy fo realz!

Jun 6, 2007

Luchador Numero 1

Quick sketches I did of a group of luchadores, will flesh them out more as I pick five to make up a group called "The Fernandez Five". This is the first character in a series of roughly 15 or so, keep an eye out for more in later postings.
Enjoy fo realz!

Jun 2, 2007

Nuff said...

"Tom and Jerry"-esque scene which I developed for a children's book. My favorite is the expressions of both the cat and the mouse, classic!
Enjoy fo realz!

May 31, 2007

The Max' Spirit Being

Remember that old The Maxx comic book/Mtv Cartoon by Sam Kieth? Well, at the time that I drew this I had no clue who or what this was, but the resemblence to The Maxx is uncanny. Looks more like a younger version though, maybe I should have renamed the title to "Son of The Maxx".

May 27, 2007

Dr. Fisho Deceaso

Promo character, back story: Prior to his capture by local fisherman, Fisho Deceaso was a respected Dr./scientist who recided in a coral reef South West off the coast of Japan. Prior to his capture he generated a potion mixed with an ancient life-giving flower which gives him immortality. However, Fisho drank the potion on the fisherman's boat, after his capture, so the effect did not kick in until he was dead. Once ashore, his mission in life is to prevent fisherman and sushi chefs from ever capturing more sea life in the ocean. One of his weaknesses is that he can no longer swim or breathe under water, and his stench as well as the swarm of flies around him, usually give his position away when hunted by angry fishermen and sushi chefs.

May 26, 2007

Boy Mercury

Back from a 10 day hiatus, havent sketched anything new lately but I do have some old school stuff from my days @ the Japanese newspaper. So for the next few days I'm posting these images up. Enjoy!

May 16, 2007

Life Drawing Piece 09

One of my favorite life drawing pieces, 20 minute pose, great angle, great model, overall tons of fun to see the outcome.
Enjoy fo realz!